- After menstruation, the first part of the female cycle is the________phase in the ovary and the _________ phase in the uterus.
- luteal; secretory
- luteal; proliferative
- follicular; secretory
- follicular; proliferative
- follicular; luteal
There are two parts to the menstrual cycle, follicular and luteal in the ovary and proliferative and secretory in the uterus. Although the same hormones drive each part, the student needs to know the difference between what is happening in the ovary vs. the uterus.
This is my original question and I did not change it because it challenges the student to think about the parallel processes and discuss them together.
I do like how you are making them think about what is going on with the uterus and ovary at the same time, but I can see how students may get confused with the ovary still being in the same phase after the uterus finishes its menstrual phase. I would just make it more clear as far as time/days in the cycle.